Friday, July 25, 2014

Simple Ways to Prevent Neck Pain from Coming Back

After a successful chiropractic treatment, your neck pain has finally subsided. Now it’s time to be more careful to avoid going through the same suffering again. Here are some simple tips to take care of your neck and eventually make your days more fun and productive.

Easy Office De-stressors

Neck pain is commonly experienced by office workers for a reason—sitting for long periods without much room for the head and body to loosen up at least once in a while can cause a huge strain in the neck area. One of the ways to limber up your neck is by slowly turning it from side to side. Experts say this simple exercise can help reduce tension and strengthens neck muscles.

Use Softer Pillows

Sleeping can be just as stressful for your neck as working in the office, because your body stays in the same position for a long period, with your head completely rested on the pillow. If your pillow is hard, try replacing it with a feather pillow where your neck can easily conform to find a comfortable position.

Do the “Turtle Exercise”

Turtles do this when they see something coming that could hurt their head. It turns out, you can follow a little bit of their habit to avoid stressing your neck so much. After many hours of jutting out your head when driving or facing the computer, you can practice retracting your head for about 5 seconds, release, and repeat 10 times.

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