Monday, September 1, 2014

Work-related Neck Pain

Prevalence of neck pain cases among office workers is one of the trending issues of the day. With more and more workers slaving in front of a computer for 8 hours or longer, cases of work-related neck pain has been rising as of late.

Based on a recent survey, women are said to be more prone to experiencing this injury type than men. Due to physical difference, women tend to exert more effort when doing simple tasks; hence, putting more pressure on the nerves. Lack of exercise also contributes to the increased chances of suffering from this silent epidemic.

Posture greatly triggers the likelihood experiencing neck pains. According to statistics, those whose job requires sitting for 95% of the working time are reported to be twice as more at risk than those who hardly sit. One problematic position is when a worker sits in front of a computer with his neck slightly bent forward. Prolonging this position leaves the upper body highly strained, putting it in a condition that stresses not only neck muscles but even the spinal cord.

Work-related neck pain is often neglected for the reason that it's not life-threatening. However, leaving this unresolved can impose much discomfort and pain. If you believe you have work-related neck pain, it would be wise to talk to a chiropractor as early as possible. 


  1. Neck pain is usual while working in offices or doing some hard work Physiotherapy North Ryde is much effective in this situation. The exercises of physiotherapy help the patient to get cure from this disease .
