Saturday, June 21, 2014

A Look at Common Car Accident Injuries

A car accident can be a devastating experience. More than just the mental and emotional trauma, victims can also sustain all kinds of physical injuries. To better prepare and educate would-be victims, here’s a look at some of the most common injuries sustained in car accidents:

Neck injury
Neck injuries are common when a driver is rear-ended by another driver. When this happens, the driver’s head typically lunges forward and then backward again. The rapid forward and backward movements can cause neck strain and whiplash. Fortunately, these injuries are not life-threatening, but they would certainly need medical care.

Facial injury
Facial injuries are common when the impact that occurs on either side of the car is strong enough to shatter the side windows. In some cases, the windshield can shatter too if the car is hit on its front bumper. Scrapes and bruises are easily treatable, but deep lacerations and even facial fractures will most likely require surgery and some time off from work.

Back injury

A powerful impact from the back of the car can lead to back injuries. A serious one is a herniated disc, which causes the sufferer pain, weakness, and numbness. Another serious back injury involves the spinal cord, and when one’s spinal cord is extremely damaged, paralysis could ensue, which will require long-term care.

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